Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour
Join the preceptors; Mystery Mike, Declassified Dave and Slick Fronk Sanders as they journey into a world of conspiratorial mysteries, dark truths, cryptids, cults, secret societies, the paranormal and much more! Debriefings are held on Mondays! Grab your cloaks and become a Hushling

Monday Aug 31, 2020
The JFK Assassination Part 2
Monday Aug 31, 2020
Monday Aug 31, 2020
We welcome you back to the conclave. The Hush Hush Society return to 1963, John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas Texas. The Mafia!?! Foreign criminal outfits?!? Drug operations! The CIA and other major political entities. We hop back into the Continental and cruise into the investigation that followed, and the changes made in the years since. We shoot our way from Nicaragua to Cuba! No window left closed, or open?
(1:20) Fronk recaps part one.
(2:13) Mike introduces the Mafia's involvement in the assassination as well as Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby's ties.
(6:00) Joe Kennedy works a deal with the Mafia to get John into the White House and the Mafia will never be bothered again.
(7:00) Robert Kennedy goes after the Mafia. Mike also goes into the Giancana family.
(8:15) Mike also goes into Sam Giancana, and his associates Santo Trafficante and Carlos Marcello.
(10:37) Carlos Marcello is talked about in more detail and his ties in Dallas.
(11:43) Mike delves into the relationship with Cuba and the Mafia.
(12:55) The CIA's motives for possibly being involved in the assassination due to Kennedy trying to dismantle the organization are discussed.
(15:08) Carlos Marcello is given the order to find someone to take out the President.
(16:39) Mike notes that Santo Trafficante said, "I think Marcello was wrong in taking out John Kennedy, it should have been Robert Kennedy."
(17:25) Fronk explains Marcello's confession in prison that he actually arranged the hit and set up Oswald.
(19:00) Dave and Mike get into Oswald and his background to be involved with the assassination, as well as his ties to Russia, CIA and Mafia involvement.
(21:00) Mike mentions Jimmy Hoffa's statement about wanting Kennedy dead.
(23:40) Fronk jumps into the FBI's possible involvement and JFK's relationship with J. Edgar Hoover.
(26:00) Cuba and Fidel Castro's potential involvement is discussed.
(28:48) The trio talks about lesser known players that could have been involved including the KGB, a "Manchurian candidate".
(30:38) The Zapruder film is brought into light and the mystery of the umbrella man, who is later identified as Louie Stephen Witt was brought into court in later years as a suspect, unbeknownst to him!
(34:30) Mike introduces James Files, who claimed that he was the second shooter in the grassy knoll.
(37:55) Jakie O is touched on as being a possible link to the death of the JFK.
(41:15) Dave dives into the investigation, the Warren Commission and some aspects of the investigation that were suspicious. The Ramsey Clark Panel is mentioned as well, which was an autopsy investigation that finds conflicting results.
(44:36) Mike expresses thoughts about the lone gunman theory and explains accounts from doctors at Parkland Hospital.
(46:15) Your preceptors give their conclusion of who could have been the guilty party in the assassination of JFK.
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
***Don't forget to submit questions and topics for our live show November 9 2020***
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Monday Aug 24, 2020
The JFK Assassination Part 1
Monday Aug 24, 2020
Monday Aug 24, 2020
We are back yet again as we join our three preceptors at Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963! We explore and question all the 'magic' angles of the death of John F. Kennedy. America's 35th President in broad daylight during a presidential motorcade through the streets of Dallas Texas. There are claims that the CIA were not only involved but carried out this assassination and that the alleged shooter, Lee Harvey Oswald was merely a pawn in a much larger plan! What happened during the course of that November day? What led up to this? Who were the parties involved? We look through all the open and closed windows. No blade of grass left untouched.
(1:41) Fronk introduces John F. Kennedy.(2:48) We explore JFK's early life and military career(4:00) JFK is inaugurated as the 35th President of the United States, as the trio elaborate some of the things that went on in his presidency.(5:53) Fronk goes into the Bay of Pigs.(6:50) Dave & Mike delve into the space race with JFK and the Soviet Union as well as the building of the Berlin wall.(8:49) The Cuban Missile Crisis is introduced.(11:25) Mikes jumps into the John F. Kennedy signs the Nuclear Test Ban with the Soviet Union and his connections with Khrushchev.(14:50) Mike cruises into the fateful day of the assassination, November 22 1963. Fronk elaborates the events.(16:06) Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest and murder is explained.(17:18) Dave goes into some of Lee Harvey Oswald's life before the assassination.(18:38) Mike introduces the conspiracies that followed.(20:40) Jackie O in the Zapruder film, and Agent Roy Kellerman, Special Agent Clint Hill's testimony.(23:42) Mike looks into the shots fired, location, angles and the weapon used.(26:14) Fronk touches on the Warren Commission (more on this in Part II)(27:01) The Grassy Knoll in Dealey Plaza and the Zapruder film are looked into deeper.(33:01) Mike talks about the witness accounts of the Texas Paper Depository building and the windows, people seen.(35:59) The transportation of the President and autopsies performed in Dallas as well as Bethesda is touched on by your preceptors.(40:00) Mike examines some of the wounds that accord.(43:33) Mike wraps up part one and fills the Hushlings in on part two, streaming August 31, 2020
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
***Don't forget to submit questions and topics for our live show November 9 2020***
For all listening platforms go to:

Monday Aug 17, 2020
LSD, Shock Therapy, MK-Ultra
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
The trio of hush are back with episode two of The Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour with more mind bending mysteries as they drop into MK-ULTRA! A now declassified program known as the 'CIA Mind Control Program' were a series of mostly illegal and inhumane experiments. Using mind altering drugs/chemicals (LSD) on mostly unsuspecting patients, colleagues even led to one of the Army's own scientists 'jumping' to his death in 1953 in a NYC hotel! Sleep deprivation, massive electric shocks, verbal/physical torture, psychic driving, and hypnosis! The program began in the infancy of the Cold War to create a 'robot soldier or spy' so Americans would have their minds wiped clean or the Soviets that were captured would give up their secrets!
(1:29) Dave introduces the MK-ULTRA Program and its start in 1953 to its demise in 1973. Over 149 different projects.
(3:11) Fronk elaborates on the prisoner James "Whitey" Bulgars involvement and how he wrote 70 letters about the negative experience. Bulgar was a crime boss and FBI informant from Boston, Massachusetts.
(4:41) Dave goes into the depth of the program as well as the budget of 10 million dollars (adjusted $87.5 million for inflation)
(6:15) Mike introduces Albert Hofmann, a Swiss chemist and the first to synthesize and ingest LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) he also named the compound psilocybin.
(6:57) Steven Kinzner an American author claims that MK-ULTRA "was a continuation of the work begun in WWII-era Japanese facilities and Nazi concentration camps on subduing and controlling human minds"
(7:42) Dave talks about the strange incident on August 15, 1951 where the entire town of Pont- Saint- Esprit, A small town in southern France that was 'poisoned'
(9:38) Project Bluebird and Project Artichoke are mentioned
(12:04) Dave goes into the operation held in San Francisco called, Operation Midnight Climax.
(14:00) Mike talks about Sidney Gottlieb, an American chemist
(15:05) Dave delves into the methods used in the program
(18:20) Mike & Dave fill us in about a Canadian, Robert Logan who had undergone some of these experiments
(26:05) The trio touch the actions that happened directly after WWII and Nazi scientists
(28:23) Oct 4, 1995 - President Bill Clinton apologized to the families about the MK-ULTRA Program.
(29:40) Frank Olson, an American Army scientist that worked for the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL) at Camp Detrick (now Fort Detrick). After being dosed with LSD, nine days later on November 28th 1953 he 'jumped' to his death.
(33:20) In 1973 CIA Director Richard Helms ordered the MK-ULTRA documents destroyed.
(39:00) Stansfield Turner was appointed to write the 15 page report by Jimmy Carter which is now declassified and available to the public. Easily found on Wikipedia.
(41:15) Mike and the guys close up the show with a quick discussion of MK-ULTRA and its possible current activity.
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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Monday Aug 17, 2020
The Montauk Project and Philadelphia Experiment
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Monday Aug 17, 2020
Our three preceptors venture on their premiere episode of The Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour delve deep into the strange and ominous reaches of The Montauk Project and The Philadelphia Experiment. We go back in time to the 1940s and seek answers into the secrets the United States government and its military were hiding at Montauk Point in Long Island, NY. With such accounts of teleportation, mind control, contact with extraterrestrials, faking the moon landings as well as the ever more strange tale of the USS Eldridge using teleportation from Philadelphia to New York then Virginia!
(2:34) The Philadelphia Experiment introduction, October 28 1943 aboard the USS Eldridge.
(4:52) Mike explains the degaussing story of said Navy ships.
(5:49) Morris K Jessup was an author, ufologist, astronomer - "The Case for the UFO"
(6:22) Carl M. Allen aka "Carlos Miguel Allende" sends Morris K. Jessup claims of experiences of the Philadelphia Experiment. Claims of aliens, interdimensional travel, etc.
(8:36) Dave examines the degaussing definition from Wikipedia excerpt.
(9:13) Mike talks about unified field theory, and Carlos Allendes claim that Albert Einstein aboard the USS Eldridge as well as thousands of men, are supposed to have seen the disappearance.
(13:11) Carlos Allende claims that Charles Proteus Steinmetz was aboard the ship who died almost 20 years before the alleged incident on October 26, 1923. He also states that Nikola Tesla was on board who also had passed away before the experiment earlier that year.
(18:01) Mike talks the USS Eldridge is transferred to Greece January 15, 1951 under the Mutual Defense Assistance Act
(19:18) Dave introduces the Montauk Project on Montauk Point in Long Island, NY at Camp Hero.
(20:28) Fronk talks about 'The Montauk Chair' subjects with strong psychic abilities
(22:18) Mike explains the Bulgarian Experiment with Professor Marina Boyadjievas experiments with LSD from 1962-1968.
(23:58) Dave & Mike talk about Preston Nichols's claims about being abducted and put through experiments.
(25:03) Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron claim they jumped off the deck of the USS Eldridge
(27:01) Fronk and Dave touch on Preston Nichols claims and the SAGE satellites
(29:31) Mike touches on kidnappings known as, 'The Montauk Boys' and Preston Nichols claims to be one of these boys. His account talks about a monster that destroys a base. He also touches on the parallels with the Netflix show, Stranger Things.
(33:48) Mike fills us in on what happened to Camp Hero
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
Tuesday Aug 04, 2020
We begin your initiation into the Hush Hush Society! Declassified Dave, Mystery Mike and Slick Fronk Sanders will be your guides through the world of conspiracy theories from the Kennedy Assassination, the moon landing, aliens, MK-Ultra, Pizzagate and a myriad of others. The secrets of the universe are both dark and vast. Where We Go One, We Go All.
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