Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour
Join the preceptors; Mystery Mike, Declassified Dave and Slick Fronk Sanders as they journey into a world of conspiratorial mysteries, dark truths, cryptids, cults, secret societies, the paranormal and much more! Debriefings are held on Mondays! Grab your cloaks and become a Hushling

Monday Aug 09, 2021
The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel
Monday Aug 09, 2021
Monday Aug 09, 2021
In this debriefing the society takes a look at one of the most famous exorcisms, that of Anneliese Michel. Anneliese was a German born woman who underwent over 60 exorcism rites by the Catholic church. After her passing, a trial was held for her parents and the priests who performed the ritual. Was this a demonic possession? Was this a result of mental illness? Listen to the breakdown of this fascinating case of "demonic possession."
3:17 We are introduced to the backstory of Anneliese Michel and he family life
4:27 Dave tells us about Anneliese’s first signs of her life altering condition
5:33 Mystery Mike tells a personal story from the archives
7:04 Anneliese finds out that she is afflicted by Temporal Lobe epilepsy
8:31 Anneliese was given meds and begins school abroad
9:46 Dave gives us background on Temporal Lobe Epilepsy or TLE
10:50 Focal Seizures are discussed
12:10 The devil begins to torment Anneliese Michel
14:38 Fronk inquires about ghosts
16:09 The family and friends of Anneliese think she is possessed and took her on a pilgrimage
17:48 Fronk tells us about how Anneliese began to fall deeper into her afflictions with disturbing behavior
19:18 Ernest Ault determines Anneliese is possessed and begs the church to perform a secret exorcism
20:48 Anneliese celebrates her birthday with her first exorcism
21:40 Ault and Rense perform the rites and Anne speaks multiple languages
24:10 Anne has disturbing eating habits during the exorcism rites
26:17 Anneliese is possessed by at least 6 demonic entities
29:00 Mike presents a thoughtful scenario
30:19 In the summer of 1975 Anneliese gets visited by the Mother Mary
34:40 Anneliese Michel passes away in 1976
35:21 Her parents and the priests are charged with negligent homicide
37:42 The two priests and Anneliese’s parents are found guilty
38:26 Dave’s Final Thoughts
40:24 Mike’s Final Thoughts
44:10 Fronk’s Final Thoughts
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Monday Jul 26, 2021
Crop Circles: An Elaborate Hoax or Alien Message?
Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
In this debriefing, your preceptors take you into the fields of England. They discuss the Crop Circle phenomena that spread across the world, from simple geometric designs to intricate codded messages. Could it be something otherworldly?
3:03 Mike starts by telling us what a crop circle is and the history behind them
4:03 Fronk talks the possible alien origins and the recording of crop circles
4:36 Dave talks about the infamous crop circle hoaxers Doug Bower and Dave Chorley
6:05 The ‘Mowing Devil’ in 1678 is reported to be the first published account of a Crop Circle
7:52 People reported seeing balls of light during a Crop Circle formation
8:02 In 1932 E.C. Kirwin observed 4 rings of beaten down barley
8:30 In 1963 circular and elliptical flattening along with spiraling from ‘Impacts’
9:21 A farmer in 1966 saw a ‘saucer shaped craft’ rise from a swamp and found a crop circle
10:30 The boys discuss what a ‘Willie Willie’ is
11:42 Bower and Chorley inspired by other reports began hoaxing
13:33 When was the last time you saw a Crop Circle reported?
15:13 Are crop circles being ignored?
16:15 Fronk tells us about a snow crop circle
17:45 Mike tells us about more complex crop circles, encoded with secret messages
18:52 Dave talks about the Wiltshire crop circle and the binary message within
20:47 David explains the 1974 Aricebo message from Carl Sagan and its response
22:20 The Roswell Rock is explored
26:15 Some of these Crop Circles contain the digits of Pi
27:50 Dave tells us some of the Crop Circles are in the same area as Stonehenge
28:42 The boys talk about drone technology as it pertains to making crop circles
30:00 Fronk tells us about how the crops are “lowered” in circle formations and not destroyed
31:24 Dave explains the science behind the crop formations
33:11 Dave’s Final Thoughts
34:21 Mike’s Final Thoughts
36:04 Fronk’s Final Thoughts
Promo: Mission Spooky
For any questions or topics, reach out on or by email at

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Declassified Discussions- David Icke
Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
The boys sit down with David Icke, figurehead of the truther movement, originator of the Draco reptilian theory and author. David has written over 20 books exposing the realities of the world we live in. He is a well known public speaker, with some of his talks going to the ten hour mark. This was a landmark interview for Hush Hush Society!
You can follow Mr. Icke on his website
and Instagram account @davidickeofficial
To follow Hush Hush Society visit our website
and on all social medias including Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

Monday Jul 12, 2021
Don’t Hike Alone in Aokigahara Forest
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Monday Jul 12, 2021
Journey with us to Japan, to the base of Mount Fuji. There lies the Aokigahara Forest otherwise known as the Suicide Forest or the Sea of Trees. This forest has been the site of hundreds of suicides over the years. Could this be the work of demonic entities, vengeful ghosts or just the serene setting of the lush sea of trees as a final resting place? Explore the forest and leave your trail marker behind.
2:35 The boys talk the geography and history of Aokigahara Forest
5:05 Mike talks about the VICE documentary regarding the forest and a unique park ranger job
5:48 The signage and prevention of suicide in the forest is discussed
6:55 Fronk goes into the statistics of suicides within the forest
7:58 The boys talk the ‘romantic’ Japanese book that sparked the unfortunate trend of ending your life in the forest
9:33 Mike and Fronk speak on the reasoning of suicide in Japanese culture
11:30 Dave lets us in on the importance of thread or yarn to the visitors of Aokigahara
15:45 The yearly search provided by the Japanese forest service to search for bodies is discussed, along with the care of the remains
17:00 Fronk discusses the paranormal happenings around the care of remains
18:30 Japanese officials have kept the exact number of suicides confidential
20:14 Dave explores the restless souls and ghost stories in the forest
22:40 Mike goes into the idea of “evil” places and their effects on the human psyche
24:00 The Yurei is a Japanese ghost story, closely resembling a banshee
25:42 Aokigahara Forest is the supposed home to the mythological Tengu Bird
27:55 Dave tells us a story of a writer from Japan Times hearing a ‘banshee’ scream and finding a body
29:05 A woman traveling the forest may have been trapped by the Yurai
30:18 Fronk talks of a monk who went to Aokigahara Forest to bless the land
32:18 Mike goes over the ancient tradition of Ubasute
34:17 The guys discuss poltergeists and Yurei
35:04 Why you should not bring home anything from Aokigahara Forest
37:51 Dave asks an intriguing question about the history of the forest
43:00 The electromagnetism of the land is discussed
44:15 Fronk goes over the science and how it correlates to suicide rates
44:50 Dave’s Final Thoughts
46:03 Mike’s Final Thoughts
47:42 Fronk’s Final Thoughts
Promo: Film Rage
For any questions or comments email us at or visit us at

Monday Jun 28, 2021
The Names Cooper, D.B. Cooper
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Monday Jun 28, 2021
Put your tray tables in an upright position and explore the mystery behind the hijacking of the Northwest Orient Airlines that departed from Portland International Airport on Thanksgiving eve of 1971. Strap on your parachute as we seek answers of how “Dan Cooper” leapt to an uncertain fate over southwestern Washington with $200,000 and disappeared off the face of the Earth. A manhunt and a 45-year-long FBI investigation followed with multiple suspects, yet his identity remains, unknown…
Join the Hush Hush Society Conspiracy Hour for Debriefing 026 – DB Cooper Hijacking
(2:42) Mike introduces us to all boarding procedures and our passenger in question; Dan “DB” Cooper. After claiming to have bomb by slipping a note to a flight attendant we discuss how the rest of the hijacking played out.
(6:10) 10,000 unmarked 20-dollar bills were demanded by Cooper and delivered by the FBI in Seattle.
(8:45) We question in Cooper had knowledge of the aviation industry or even military experience. We continue explaining the rest of the happenings of that evening.
(10:15) At 10:15 PM DB Cooper “jumped” from the 727 aircraft. Shortly after the aircraft landed in Reno, NV.
(12:30) Your Preceptors begin to lay out some things found during the immediate investigation after the heist, some of accounts from the flight crews’ interviews. This included 66 fingerprints, sunglasses, what he ordered and his demeanor.
(14:45) Dave fills us in to James Long, a local reporter who put the initials “DB” when running Dan Coopers name. Mystery Mike jumps in the investigation and we discuss many of the variables.
(18:40) Fronk delivers the most important question. Did he actually jump out of the plane? Your flight crew continues on about 1972 Air Force tests and the contrasts of the environmental variables. The FBI investigation is also peered into.
(25:40) We continue on about the FBI search, which was the most extensive law enforcement investigation in history.
(28:09) Mike opens the file on some of the evidence from the investigation. He mentions some of the chemicals found on the tie, were also found in aircraft manufacturing plants. Remember someone could have just gone back to work since it was Thanksgiving. A discussion opens.
(31:29) Fronk mentions the instructions from a Boeing 727 found in 1978 by a deer hunter, also in 1980 a boy named Brian Ingraham was at Tina Bar and found 3 packets of money, and was confirmed as DB Cooper ransom money.
(34:23) Between 1971 and 2016 the FBI ran through over 1000 suspects. Your boys discuss some of the suspects that could have been DB Cooper, one of which was an almost identical crime committed by Richard McCoy.
(37:30) Dwayne Weber was another suspect who claimed to be DB Cooper on his deathbed to his wife. Kenneth Christianson was also thought to be another suspect by his brother Lyle.
(44:44) Beginning in the 70’s and ending 2016 at the conclusion of the case, there are 60 volumes that measure 40 feet high when stacked and there have been no arrests and no evidence found. We discuss further.
(47:17) We offer some in flight extra facts about the case.
(48:18) Declassified Dave and Mystery Mike give us last call and deliver their final opinions on the DB Cooper heist.
(50:03) Fronks Final Thoughts.
featured: Serial Killer Tuesdays Podcast
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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Monday Jun 21, 2021
Cryptid Chronicles: The Chupacabra
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Monday Jun 21, 2021
Join the boys by the fire this week as they tell stories about the famed Chupacabra. They are joined in the great outdoors by Tony of Flicks XRayed podcast.
You can find the Hush Hush Society at our website or email us at
You can find Flicks XRayed on twitter @FlicksXrayed and on their site

Monday Jun 14, 2021
A Princess Diana Tale
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Monday Jun 14, 2021
Your Preceptors are back on the case and opening the files to explore the tragic death of the Princess Diana, the Princess of Wales. We seek on what truly happened that night in 1997 in the in the Pont de l'Alma tunnel in Paris, France. Could it have really been an accident caused by relentless paparazzi? An intoxicated driver? Could Mi6 have been involved? Or could it have been something far sinister… Blood.
(5:08) Mystery Mike and your Preceptor palace guards deliver some facts about Princess Diana’s personal and family life as well as her humanitarian achievements, campaigns and awards, and death. We discuss…
(10:50) On August 30th in 1997 Diana passed away in a car accident in a Paris tunnel. We elaborate on some possible causes of the crash as well as the others who died in the crash.
(12:37) The father of the deceased Doti Fayad said that his son’s death as well as Diana’s death was blamed on Mi6. We have a tea time about the subject.
(15:15) We do ask the question; The man Diana was seeing was not of English Royalty, but Egyptian.
(16:34) Dave brings aspects of the 832-page investigative report of the Princess Diana accident as well as up to 1,200 witnesses! More questions are asked by your Royal Brethren.
(20:03) Mike brings up Mi6, who they are and the allegations of their involvement of the death of Diana. Fronk and Dave elaborate a bit as well as a discussion. Tisk Tisk British CIA…
(22:50) There is the possibility that the entire scenarios is just an accident, yet what we do know is that the driver was supposed to be fleeing the paparazzi.
(24:10) Richard Tomlinson, an Mi6 operative said that he had seen reports that resembled a plan to assassinate the President of Yugoslavia that was very similar to Diana’s death as well as some other accounts of other close by witnesses which included a flash of light, and suspicious motorcyclists. Brian Anderson is introduced, who was in a taxi who also saw motorcycles and a flash of light.
(28:00) Mike asks why was there only one bodyguard for the PRINCESS OF WHALES? Your bodyguards discuss.
(31:40) We mention that Diana could have been pregnant the night she died. That the evidence of her pregnancy at the time of death was skewed.
(34:39) We put on our seat belt about the White Fiat Uno that allegedly made white paint marks on the Princesses Mercedes. IT was also accused of being used by the Mi6, we elaborate on other accusations about who owned the car, Paul James Andanson.
(38:07) Fronk lets us know that Andanson had allegedly committed suicide by lighting a BMW on fire. We aim at the details about how his body was found.
(41:25) We can’t forget about the seat belts and how Diana was an avid user of wearing a seat belt as well as a quote from a paramedic on the scene and we mention how the French respond to emergencies. CLICK IT OR TICKET KIDS.
(44:33) One of the biggest questions are asked by Sanders about how Diana simply could have been killed by her own family to prevent the marriage
(46:18) Some conspiracy theorists’ claim that the driver Henry Paul was a double agent for France and for British Security Services as well as considerable wealth. We discuss more on the man.
(48:00) Is it possible that Princes Diana actually faked her own death to slip away and start anew? A claim that two different bodies were buried in the place of Diana and Doti.
(51:28) Mike and Dave deliver their opinions on the conspiracy of who or how Princess Diana died on that fateful evening.
(53:20) Fronks Final Thoughts.
featured: Pager Tuners and Button Mashers Podcast
If you have any questions or comments about the show, please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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Monday May 31, 2021
Action! On Set For The Moon Landings
Monday May 31, 2021
Monday May 31, 2021
Your Preceptors are back, strapping in and launching to the Moon. We explore all the facts and the claims stating that NASA did NOT actually land on the Lunar surface. We look through the telescope on The Space Race and global competition, radiation belts, 1960s technology and other anomalies... Could NASA have carried out a hoax on the most giant leap for mankind?
(5:31) Your Hushstronauts deliver a little background about the conspiracies behind the Moon landing hoax. Dave mentions Bill Casey who is one of the roots of claiming the Apollo missions were faked.
(7:54) Mike and the boys give some facts about Earth’s only satellite, the Moon.
(11:17) We ask the question about Earth’s placement with the Moon and Sun is almost too good to be true and why? Were we created? A Discussion follows.
(13:30) Dave introduces the Apollo missions. Your Preceptors elaborate about JFK’s goal to land on the Moon. Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins are mentioned about their famous landing on the lunar surface on July 20th 1969.
(15:13) Mike mentions Hitler and Nazi’s and how the possibility of them making it to the Moon in WW2, especially with their advanced rocket technology. Dave and Fronk also let’s know that a conspiracy theorist claims the Nazi’s landed on the Moon on August 23rd 1942. Remember Hushlings, these scientists turned into some of NASA’s key players.
(22:40) The space race and the Cold War between the USA and the Soviet Union are discussed, Sputnik and the first man to orbit the Earth, being Russian... Another question is raised, do other countries have lunar bases on the far side of the Moon.
(27:00) SPACE FORCE! The boys talk about military power in space.
(27:44) We get into some evidence that has been used against the Moon landings, some of which were crosshair anomalies, the quality of the photographs is too high for the time, yet NASA claims they take took “the best” photos. Stars were said to not be seen; all of these claims have scientific explanations.
(33:39) Shadows and artificial light claims are brought into light by Declassified Dave, he explains an example. Mike and Fronk elaborate.
(36:33) Fronk talks about the foot prints on the lunar surface. Mike also mentions that NASA scientists claim they lost the technology from the 60’s that brought us to the Moon, why we have not been back. We discuss some of this technology compared to today.
(42:05) We bring up the question of why don’t we want to use the Moon instead of Mars as a base for many reasons.
(44:33) Dave goes into some detail about the Van Allen radiation belts which is a zone dangerous and deadly radiation that ranges from 400 miles to 36,000 miles. One transient belt closest to Earth is called the Southern Atlantic Anomaly which is avoided by all space programs.
(49:41) Mike directs us to the accusation of Stanley Kubrick’s involvement of actually directing the first 3 Moon landings since he had just made, 2001: A Space Odyssey. We discuss on set.
(53:47) The Blueprints from the missions are missing, telemetry data, tapes of the Apollo 11 mission are missing.
(57:28) Your Preceptors ask the question if the astronauts encountered alien life on the lunar surface.
(58:37) Fronk’s Final Thoughts
(1:00:13) Mystery Mike and Declassified Dave give their opinions on the Moon Landing Hoax.
Featured: Let’s Start a Cult PodcastIf you have any questions or comments about the show, please contact us at: or via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram. For all listening platforms go to:

Friday May 21, 2021
Declassified Discussions: Mark O’Connell
Friday May 21, 2021
Friday May 21, 2021
The Society interviews acclaimed writer and author of The Close Encounters Man, Producer/researcher of Discover Plus new show UFO Witness and Host of Far-Fetched podcast, Mr. Mark O'Connell.
They talk Mark's book and tv show. They discuss important UFO sightings and some of the finer details of Project Bluebook.
You can find Mark on twitter @markoconnell_1
Mark's podcast Far-Fetched:
Mark's book The Close Encounters Man:

Monday May 17, 2021
HAARP, Is This Thing Still On?
Monday May 17, 2021
Monday May 17, 2021
We join our trio as we switch on the power and high into the atmospheric research station known as HAARP. We seek what experiments were performed to the now "shut down" installation and what the US Military was using this cutting-edge technology for... Research of the Ionosphere? Weather manipulation? Mind Control?...
(5:13) Your preceptors turn on the power and deliver some background on what HAARP is, and discuss its equipment and what it was used for, that we know of.
(9:42) Fronk gives us some information about HAARPs history and who built and operated the facility. Dave mentions its shutdown and selling to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2015.
(11:14) We go into some of the conspiracies about the facility. The boys ask the question if the military is actually using HAARP for weather modification as a weapon.
(14:25) Dave introduces Dr. Bernard Eastland who is most associated with the development of the project and your trio elaborates on some points of the patent from the 80’s that contradict that HAARP cannot be used for weather modification.
(18:50) Mike elaborates on Dr. Eastland and some of his 53 patents throughout his career with a lot of them have to do with UV multiplication devices, high intensity discharge lamps and plenty of atmospheric sciences applications.
(23:10) Dave asks the question could HAARP be responsible for earthquakes, most directly the 8.9 magnitude earthquake in 2011 in Japan, causing the Fukashima meltdown. As well as the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, The Hushmasters discuss...
(31:00) A conspiracy theorist on claims the New Madrid Fault System in the Midwestern US could be the next “target” for a major earthquake event
(32:02) We delve into the idea of HAARP being responsible for major hurricanes in the US in the last decade or so, some of them being; Hurricane Katrina, Sandy, Irene and others. We discuss.
(35:19) We also mention the possibility that HAARP caused some of the most devastating fires in the western areas of the US like California, Oregon and Washington. The question that it was DEW (Direct Energy Weapons) that locally caused the fires.
(40:17) The idea of mind control is thrown into your heads by Mystery Mike and the boys. This conspiracy believes that HAARP used shortwave radio wave to control the minds of Americans.
(42:26) Dave and Mike deliver their opinions on the subject of HAARP.(45:06) Fronk’s Final Thoughts
featured: The Spy Hards Podcast
If you have any questions or comments about the show please contact us at:HushHushSociety@planetmail.comor via Twitter, Facebook & Instagram.
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